Thursday 10 July 2008



As you know the people came from the council yesterday about the ants.They have left a notice in the kitchen about what you have to do. They asked me to point a few things out about the treatment. It will only work if you cover ALL the food, there must be nothing for them to eat at all. This includes even the crumbs in the toaster which they said needed cleaning out. I did that but it needs to be emptied every time its used so there are no crumbs left. The food in the cupboards needs to be air tight. If possible in Tupperware containers.They even said that food left out in a bowl needs to stand in a larger dish filled with water to create a moat a round the food so they can not cross it !!! that is what is needed to get rid of them. Also the packets of poisoned food on the walls near the ceiling need to be replaced if they empty them. They said that if they are emptied, then take the ones on the base of the units in the kitchen, and put them on the wall. As that is where they are most likely to be coming from.It may take from two to six weeks for them to take all the food, but they will only take it if they do not have anything else to eat.So can you please watch the levels and move them if necessary. If the food is all taken before the six weeks is up, let me know so I can arrange a second visit and they can relay more poison.If not then I will call them for the second visit in six weeks time. Also do not kill any ants, they must survive to go back to the colony, so they have to be left alone.

tudo porque apareceram umas poucas formiguinhas!

1 comment:

Patricia Lins said...

Amigo, o que você precisar (desde que não seja grana - rs) pode contar comigo! Ah, seu blog é sua cara mesmo. E está super clean. Amei. A fonte é igual as suas letras: pequenas, com distância quase simétricas, limpas. Seus textos, parece, que são medidos. Gosto de ler o que escreve. Um beijoooo!!!Vou apelar para um chavão: "quem tem amigos está rico de amor, ombros e braços!" Desde que a geladeira também esteja abastecida, está rico de comida tb. rsrsrs